Middle School
The Middle School Program at ISF provides a framework for academic challenge and social/emotional development for students aged 11 – 14 years. Subjects are taught as distinct areas, with interdisciplinary exploration and learning beyond the classroom woven into the school year. Students explore the arts through Music, Visual Arts and Theater classes, and expand their information and digital literacy through the integration of research skills and technology in the classroom. Wellbeing is supported through weekly small group meetings, as well as Physical Education and Health. All students study three languages throughout Middle School, according to their language levels and preferences. Italian national students may choose to follow the Italian ministerial program, studying History, Geography and Mathematics in Italian, in preparation for a culminating external exam.
Italian Program
The Italian Program is a national program that leads to the externally administered Italian Government Licenza Media exam in Grade 8. The program is designed for native Italian students and follows the requirements of the Italian public school. Students take courses of Italian, History, Geography and Mathematics in Italian.
Learning Services
ISF aims to be an inclusive learning environment. Students with diagnosed learning needs are supported in their learning by one of our Learning Services Facilitators. Students may work in one-on-one settings, small groups or with guided accommodations. The goal of our Learning Services Program is to provide students with the tools and strategies they need to find success in our programs.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The English as an Additional Language program supports young English language learners by supporting their understanding of classroom activities and procedures, as well as their participation in the day to day work of the class. In a pull-out or push-in model, students receive specific instruction in English through the introduction of core vocabulary, development of listening skills, differentiated reading comprehension and a focus on communication.
The Life Skills Program at ISF has been created to support all students to flourish and grow in a safe and happy environment here in the school community.
It is a program built on the best of other evidence-based well-being practices across the world, including the Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum (PEEC), and is designed to be adaptable and flexible to student needs, keeping pace with changes in global perspectives and supporting intercultural awareness.
As an important part of our vision mission, the program’s goals are to:
- Support students in developing their emotional literacy
- Promote student voice and interaction
- Enable students to play a meaningful role in the School Community
- Empower students by giving them time to develop the social and emotional skills needed to be successful in School and in the Wider World
The program has 3 main strands:
- Health and Wellbeing: Self-care, managing risks, and personal safety
- Relationships: Positive, respectful and kind
- Living in the Wider World: Learning, digital literacy, directions and decisions
Within the teaching students are encouraged to think about how they want to ‘be’ and act in the world. Developing the awareness to make wise choices from a reflective and balanced standpoint; being responsible and caring to themselves and others; and taking effective and meaningful action; are all part of a well-being thread that runs through the program.
In Grades 6-10 lessons are delivered by Homeroom Advisors once a week and are often linked to Homeroom morning activities. Topics vary according to the grade group and the needs of the students and are taught creatively through presentations linked to activities and films, assemblies, visiting speakers, and student-led projects.