Student Council
Junior School Sports Council
The Sports Council are students made up from Grades 2 - 5 we have a minimum of 2 per grade which are at least 1 from each grade. To be part of the sports council you are voted in by your peers at the beginning of the year. We meet weekly altogether during snack recess to discuss ideas on how to improve the active opportunities for students at the junior school. A variety of leadership skills are regularly used and action is our priority! Communication skills are developed constantly during meetings and when promoting initiatives to the school community. Giving the students an opportunity to have their passions and ideas heard and seeing them come to fruition is our goal!
Junior School Action Takers
The Action Takers work together to support community building and improvements for the school. Every student is welcome to join and choose events or activities they would like to support around school. The Action Takers are inclusive and enjoy giving all students an opportunity to take a leadership role outside of the opportunities provided in class. All students are encouraged to bring ideas for school improvements to the Action Takers to put into action. It is primarily students in grades 3-5 who play the most active roles but we ensure all younger grades are included in all ideas.
Middle School Student Council
Benvenuti from the ISF Middle School Council! The council is a student-led group of individuals from Grade 6 to 8. In the council we learn hands-on skills such as communication, collaboration, listening and being passionate about what we do. All students are welcome to join the council and everyone has equal say. Despite COVID-19, we have been able to continue to progress as a team. We meet on a weekly basis to contribute ideas, discuss and plan exciting activities for the ISF community. We seek feedback from students which we then elaborate into a concrete plan of action. Presently, our main focus is ensuring that ISF is a sustainable environment, as well as fundraising for those less fortunate. We consider ourselves to be inclusive by celebrating diversity in all forms.
High School Student Council
Welcome to ISF! We are so proud to represent the unique, diverse, and exceptional student body here at ISF. The High School Student Council is a group of likeminded students who represent the student body as a whole and who have an active interest in the operation of our wonderful community. We meet every Friday during lunch period (as well as other times) in order to discuss ways to improve our learning experience. Some of our aims are to provide a stress free learning environment for IB students, as well as also sheltering academic progress and the wellbeing of our amazing student body. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact us.