The International School of Florence is a not-for-profit organization, incorporated in the United States under the name American Schools Abroad, Inc. (ASA). The Board’s main functions are to ensure the financial wellbeing of the School and the excellence of its educational programs and facilities. Apart from making sure the school has a solid financial foundation and an excellent academic program, we also take care of the mental health of the students, teachers, and administration and nurture future socially responsible citizens. The Board is governed through by-laws that can be found in the Policy Book (Section 7000), which is available for consultation in the library of each ISF campus. Board members are all volunteers: there are no benefits accrued from being a Board member. Members are expected to attend monthly meetings during the school year and to participate in one of the Board’s five committees: Executive, Finance, Facilities, Marketing, and Strategic Planning. Board members work to promote the School’s good name within the ISF and in the Florentine community.
Cathleen Compton
Francesca Bignami
Patrizia Bombardieri
Conor Dearden
Carlo Elia
Marco Fazzini
Morgan Fiumi
Gessica Scida
Irene Serio
Alessia Yue Cheng
*Ivan Mijatovic / Governance and Finance & Risk Committes, not pictured